Even when you have a very strong case against a business opponent, you will face difficulty in achieving a satisfactory resolution without an effective and efficient litigation strategy. Your job is to find an expert litigator who can provide you with an accurate assessment of your case.
As noted elsewhere on this website, not all lawyers are created equal. Not every lawyer is an expert, and not every lawyer approaches the practice of law from an intellectual perspective. Further, not every lawyer is a litigator; and, not every litigator focuses his or her practice in complex litigation in federal courts around the country.
Moreover, not every case is amenable to the same type of strategy. A successful litigation strategy must be predictive, reactive and malleable in the face of constantly changing facts, conditions and events. Legal tactics that are used to further mediocre strategies are not likely to be effective. Tactics that masquerade as strategy are doomed from the start.
Most important, superior legal strategies will be capable of causing changes to the future litigation battlefield terrain. A superior litigation strategist will have the self-confidence to believe that he or she can influence and control future events. Last, superior litigation strategists must possess well-developed predictive and reactive capabilities.
It is not always easy to find an attorney who can provide you with a superior strategy for your litigation issue. Indeed, it is impossible to do so without affiliating yourself with an attorney who has a demonstrated expertise in complex litigation around the country. In reaching out to such an expert, remember that litigation is an art form, not a science. The websites of litigators frequently are a window into their psyches — does the lawyer appear creative, innovative, imaginative, inspired, educated, well-read, sophisticated and accomplished? If so, request a consultation with him or her, and you’ll have taken the first step in your journey to obtain an effective and meaningful litigation strategy to resolve your business dispute.
Jeff Goldstein, who has been practicing for almost 35 years in courts throughout the country, has a recognized aptitude for devising creative, effective and efficient litigation strategies in the antitrust and franchise areas. Goldstein’s talent in this area is bolstered by his unique specialization in law and economics.